From Student to Teacher…..

Not many people know this but I have Asbergers as well as Dyscalculia. I’ve been working at the Hope Center for almost 4 years now and before I worked at Hope I really felt like I was lost. I was at a serious cross roads in my life, and I was reaching a point where I lost hope. Working with these incredible children at Hope has given my life meaning and I genuinely love them. I feel blessed to work with them and get to teach them everyday. Being bullied for seeing the world differently and learning at a pace differently the rest really impacted me growing up. What a dream it is to help make sure the things that happened to me don’t happen to these extraordinary children. What a blessing it is that I get to work with children that have changed my life for the better. It is autism awareness month and I ask you to change your perspective, to see the world  a little differently, because everyone is beautiful and unique... to me everyone is a puzzle  trying to find where we fit in the world. I used to view my disabilities and Asbergers as an inability... but I realize I can and I have achieved more than I ever thought possible for myself. I’m so grateful for the Hope Center, not only for the children but for showing me that I can achieve the impossible.

-Sarah Zeilenga


What it takes to help build a church….


“I Showed the World Who I am….”